Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Day

It started with a whisper in the wind. You could hardly hear it. As people everywhere walked down the street they would suddenly turn as if someone tapped them on the shoulder. Strangers would ask the person in back of them, “what did you say”? And ultimately the reply was the same,” I didn’t say a thing. I thought it was you”. Each day the whisper got a little louder and the Voice became clearer and everyone throughout the world heard this Voice in his or her own language. And the Voice surrounded everything and said, “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

Actors couldn’t recite their lines. Radio announcers couldn’t announce. The Voice was relentless. It didn’t stop. All anyone could hear in their I-pods, cell phones, computers, TV’s and radios was this constant voice. If there were human beings in far away and desolate places on earth, without any sort of electronic or battery communication devices, as mysterious as it was, the Voice was still heard

The Voice went on and on. Airports shut down. In fact everything shut down, Work could not continue for no one could concentrate. Nothing could function. After seven days the Voice stopped as quickly as it began.

Needless to say the leaders of each nation became alarmed, thinking there was some kind of invasion coming. But the best intelligence and radar could not detect anything in the sky or atmosphere. Jet planes were sent scouring around the world, but there was nothing to find. Satellites in orbit couldn’t find anything near earth or in outer space. The leaders of the Christians, Muslims, Jews and every other type of religion that existed believed it was the voice of God. Arguments ensued between all of the religious leaders. The Muslims thought it was of voice of Mohamed. The Jews claimed is was Moses and of course the Christians were absolutely sure it was Christ coming for the last judgment. Jehovah Witnesses though the Rapture was about to begin and starting preparing for the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse to appear.

Meetings were held. The US congress ordered an emergency meeting to discuss this turn of events, as did all the other governments around the world. The tribal leaders in the mountains of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan met to discuss defending their territory. The Pentagon put all the Armed Services on alert and the UN convened into their separate delegations to figure out whom, why and what is doing this. Had some country or individual found a way of taking control of all forms of communication and threaten the very existence of humanity? Was this some elaborate hoax? Some “super-hacker” showing off his or her ‘skills?’

Discussions continued. There were no results. Nothing was being accomplished. The US congress, acting like little spoiled children and lashing out at each other bickered they way they always have. The same happened across the seas in Parliament. Then exactly one week later to the second, the Voice came back and repeated, “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

This time the Voice added: “you have one week to respond, and I will speak to one person only. This one representative will speak for all of humanity. He or she should be ready to defend the World. We will meet at 10:00 A.M. EST in Central Park in New York City on the Great Lawn. This message continued for exactly 24 hours, then stopped.

Every nation thought this was some kind of joke. But as soon as the voice stopped, televisions all over the world began to list what was wrong with the world. The same thing happened on all Radio Shows computers, movie screens and I-pods. Any kind of communicative device gave out this message. On the Radio it sounded like public announcements, but the Voice was the same voice that came from the wind. On the television it showed up as a scroll, but instead of going across the TV screen, it went down and covered the whole screen with the same voice bellowing out each statement. If there was a screen or any kind of sounding device or nothing, the Voice could be heard bellowing all over the world.

It began with,

The Environment

The oceans, rivers, lakes, canals and every waterway throughout the Earth are contaminated. The fish, birds and cows are dying. The carbon emissions are destroying the atmosphere and Global Warming has been accelerated and it may be too late to stop it. In the name of greed the world has refused to come up with an alternate form of energy. The oil companies have been gouging up as much oil as they can to and selling it at absorbent prices while polluting the water and atmosphere. Within the last 50 years, these problems could have been solved, but your governments have chosen not to fix the situation or they have come up with a time table that is a joke and it would be too little too late. As a result, the Polar Caps are melting. Your drinking water supply is low. By destroying the forests you are limiting your supply of oxygen. Soon your food will be inedible and your water un-drinkable. Everything you need to survive as a race is being destroyed. “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?


From the very beginning earthlings have been a killing breed. You have turned on each other. You kill everything, and throughout the ages you have enslaved and in some cases eaten each other. Throughout the centuries more blood has been shed than there are stars in your galaxy. You have so many reasons to kill and very few reasons not to. In the United States alone there are 283 million guns. Chicago and Detroit have the highest murder rate in the US, yet the Congress refuses to change the laws. Everyone has a right to own a gun and defend him or herself. With that thinking maybe the US should arm its’ children. More children are killed in the US than anywhere else in the world. Your wars are initially started because of greed. How many wars are going on around the world right now? How many must die before you realize that the death of one person through violence is the death of all of you. “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

The Voice went on and on. It covered one topic after the other. Cheating, lying,
education, health care, gangs, starvation, morals and through it all, it kept coming back to greed. After each topic was stated, it ended with “Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

It seemed there was nothing that could be done to stop the continuous broadcasting. Some unplugged their TVs and radios but the Voice still went on. 24 hours a day. The world was overcome with panic. Riots and looting began.
Police and armies were brought out to stop the looting and control the mob-like crowds, but not much could be done. Many were killed and billions of dollars of property was damaged.

You would think it would be the opposite. People could have gathered in a peaceful way and prayed or meditated and wishing this wasn’t happening.
Some did, but some were afraid to go out. Many went the other way and the thinking was; ‘if I’m going to die, I might as well have and enjoy what I always wanted’. The number of ‘revenge’ killings went up along with rape. It was Clockwork Orange times two billion percent

Meanwhile the UN met and tried to decide whom should they send to literally to save the world. Many names from around the world were put into hat, such as Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Dali Lama etc. Some volunteered to talk to the Voice. Russ Limbaugh and Sean Hannity along with Glenn Beck went to Washington DC and then onto as the UN, but they were finally recognized as the idiots they are and were practically laughed out of town. It came down to ex-President Jimmy Carter or Presiden Obama. In the final vote all agreed that the best representative and probably the better speaker was President Obama.

The President agreed to meet with the Voice. All agreed if anyone could do it, Obama could. The president spoke to the leaders of the world and told them that if he could convince the Voice not to destroy Earth, there will be much to give up and change. Some hesitated, but finally agreed.

On the following Saturday, the president arrived at 9:45 and went to the middle of the great lawn. Secret service agents surrounded him. One of them carried a chair for the president. The chair was placed down and the agents were directed to step back about 50 yards. At exactly 10 AM a bright blue light appeared in the sky and the voice that the world was hearing began to speak. It said, “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

This question and the Voice were heard throughout the world, which meant that everyone on Earth was listening in. In that instant all the looting, killing and other despicable acts ceased. The Voice had their attention.

The president said, “Before we begin can you tell me if you are God”?

The Voice answered, it wouldn’t matter if I were God, “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

Well if you’re not God, who are you?

“You seemed determined to get some answers before we actually begin”

Obama said, “Yes. Please”.

“Alright. I will give you this much.
I am not God. There is no God. Your religions and faiths were invented by men to control and to steal from you”

“If you are not God, then who are you”?

“I am the Guardian of your Galaxy. It is my job to watch over the inhabitants and to make sure they do not disturb the equilibrium that has existed for millions of years”.

“If that is so, why would you want to destroy everything on Earth”?

“You are destroying the planet with selfishness and greed. The equilibrium is already starting to loose it’s balance and in a few short years the Earth will move off its axis and the destruction that will follow will annihilate everything.” “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

“Would you will be willing to kill innocent children? Isn’t the smile from one child’s face worth everything”?

The Voice answered, “You must think this is a television or movie script where an answer like that saves the world, but here in the reality of it all I say, if that were true, then why are there millions of children dying from disease, starvation or murder? Why aren’t your children protected from pedophiles or sex slavery? If humanity cared so much about its children it would be taking better care of them.

“What about all the medical discoveries that help the sick”?

If you cared so much about the sick, your new drugs would not cost so much, that most people cannot afford them”. Healthcare would be free.

The President said, “Tell me what should we do”?

“I am here so you will tell me what you and humanity will do”.

Obama said, “ I think we should stop all wars immediately and all weapons that are used for war and killing should be destroyed. Every handgun or rifle should be handed in and be destroyed. Every knife or any weapon that is used for killing should be destroyed.

The Voice said, “You are on the right track, but how to you intend to do this and how long will it take”?

The President said, it might take a year or two.

“What will you do about-your so-called terrorist”?” I don’t think they will be willing to give up their weapons or stop killing. In fact I think that destroying every living thing on earth would be welcomed by them and seen as the ultimate martyrdom”.

“Um! You’re probably right. We will have to track them down and take their weapons away from them”.

“ You haven’t been able to do it so far. What makes you think you can do it now”?

“We’ll just have to take that chance and try harder.”

“Ok. Let’s say I give you a year to accomplish this task, what will you do about the rest of problems that were created by your world and have caused so much damage”?

The President said it would probably take even longer to solve each of those problems.

“ And how much longer? “

“Five years”

“It took you hundreds of years to create these problems. What makes you think you can solved all of this in five years when there is so much going on that is wrong”?

“I think we as humans can do this, just give us a chance, but in order to make it happen I think you will have to prove you can do what you said you would do.”

“Are you asking for a demonstration? Isn’t it enough that I can control all of your communications”?

“I think some leaders will need proof, especially terrorists”.

“Ok. You will have your proof”.

“What do you intend to do”?

In five days the melted ice in your Polar Caps will be restored. Two days later they will be destroyed.

The President said, “Yes I think that will do it. Will we meet again”?

“We will meet on the eight day”.

The light disappeared and with it so did the Voice.

Almost immediately the Polar Caps stopped melting and started to rebuild themselves. Each day the restoration continued. On the 5th day they were completely restored. The weather seemed to level out and the water temperature throughout the world was restored to where it was 100 years ago. It was what we would call a miracle. The news was broadcast around the world. Some Government leaders were hoping the Caps wouldn’t be destroyed, but two days later they were gone and it was as if it never happened.

On the eighth day the President and the Voice met in Central Park.

“You have one year from today to stop all wars and destroy all weaponry throughout the world. If one shot is fired or one person dies due to murder, your world as you know will be over” the Voice said and disappeared.

The first thing the President did was to go to the UN. He gave a long speech and all nations agreed to start destroying their weapons and the mob mentality in the streets has to stop. The question was asked who would go first? Since the Middle East was a hotbed of violence, the Arab Nations refused to go first. They felt they would be leaving themselves exposed to Israel’s wrath. Israel felt the same way. This went on for weeks. The President had a meeting with both Israel and the leader of the Arab Nation. He stressed how important it was for this to get started. They were already running behind schedule and an Armistice had yet to be called between other warring nations. He finally said to both parties, “ I am going to take care of the United States and help countries that need it. I will destroy all weapons and collect all guns throughout my Nation and I am sure that the other Nations will follow. I will make sure no one goes hungry again and everyone will get free medical care. I will create jobs to help the environment. All the money we have been spending on wars and weapons will go into medical research, creating jobs, rebuilding our roads and bridges and feeding the hungry”.

“I am sure the rest of the world will follow. In a year’s time, when the Voice returns, maybe I can strike a bargain with him. Since 99% of the world will have met its obligations except for you two and some terrorists. Maybe instead of destroying everything on Earth, he would only destroy your two nations and the terrorists.”

This argument seemed to work. Both nations simultaneously began destroying their weapons. The biggest problem was to find the terrorists and to somehow cut down on crime.

Criminals being released from prisons all over the world had to re-educated.
Many were mentally ill or just plain violent. The task seemed insurmountable.

The one- year mark was arriving in a few days. Not all was complete. The tribes in the Afghan mountains were still fighting and Osama Bin Laden and his military hadn’t been found as of yet. The heads of Governments were panicking. They knew they hadn’t finished. They also knew what the Voice demanded was impossible. All they could do was hope and pray that the Voice would give humanity some more time to stop the violence.

When the next Saturday arrived, the President again arrived at 9:45 and went to the middle of the great lawn. Secret service agents surrounded him. One of them carried a chair for the president. The chair was placed down and the agents were directed to step back about 50 yards. At exactly 10 AM a bright blue light appeared in the sky and the Voice that the world had heard a year ago began to speak. “ Tell me why I shouldn’t destroy everything on Earth”?

The President stood and said” There are very few starving children now. Murders have gone down 98% around the world. All wars have stopped except for a few in some mountain ranges in the Middle East. We are hoping to settle them in a few more weeks. We are rehabilitating criminals. We are helping drug addicts. The sale and flow of drugs has stopped and most weapons have been destroyed. The money used for the military has been shifted to research and cures for all diseases and new and great medicines are on the horizon while we work on restoring the atmosphere, and the oceans to what they once were. In five years we will accomplish what you asked of us.”

The Voice said, “yes you have done well, but there is the question of terrorists.
This problem has not been solved. The deal was no weaponry in one year.
I see you are trying. This is what the universe wants. I will give you another year, but only one year to end terrorism in the world”.

The President smiled and said “thank you, thank you!”

You could hear the cheers around the world. Horns starting blowing, people danced in the street it was as if it was New Years Eve on Broadway.

Just as the Voice said “I bid you farewell” explosions ripped through the park and the surrounding buildings. Simultaneously in other parts of the World,
the same thing happened. London looked like the Blitz after World War Two and the same for Germany. Japan and China had explosions that killed thousands of people and Moscow was devastated by destruction. The American Embassies throughout the world were destroyed. Explosions continued throughout the day. All the work and healing that went into rebuilding humanity was being destroyed.

It seems the year that the World was working on changing everything security had become lapsed.

Osama Bin Laden’s cohorts were able to travel around the world and place bombs in strategic places where they would do the most damage. Washington DC was destroyed along with the UN and Statue of Liberty. In Paris, the Eiffel Tower was destroyed along with The Church of Notre Dame. The Taj Maj Hall did not exist anymore. Dirty bombs left the atmosphere filled with radioactive particles and mushroom clouds were seen from one end of the globe to another.

Three days later the Voice could be heard all over the world.

“You had your chance and you destroyed it. And in destroying it you have destroyed yourselves. You have cast a cloud of darkness that will take hundreds of years to go away. Within a year you will all be dead. I do not have to destroy everything on Earth. Through your selfishness and stupidity you have done it yourselves. Goodbye”!

The Voice was never heard from again. A year later the only thing left on Earth were its’ buildings. Every tree, every flower and every living thing was gone.

50 years later an Alien Spaceship flew over New York. The buildings were still there but it looked and felt like a ghost town. The Alien ship did not land for the radiation level was still high. It flew to South America and then on to Russia and Europe and Asia. Nowhere in sight was there one living thing. As fast as it came in to take a look was how fast the ship left the Earths’ Atmosphere, calling ahead to its Mother Ship.

“ This place called Earth is uninhabitable!”

Dom Minasi

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