Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Letter From God

Dear Dom, I received your letter via three weeks ago. I ‘m sorry it has taken me so long to answer you, but sometimes I’m a little busy. What struck me is why are you writing me now? You haven’t prayed or gone to church in over fifty years. In fact, you stopped believing in me, so why bother me now? I know you are concerned about many things as I am too, but truthfully there is nothing I can do. You see, I gave mankind free will and in doing so, I allowed you to do whatever you wanted to do with your free will. Of course I gave you some rules to follow, but it was your choice to follow them or not. What I don’t understand about mankind is the violence, hatred and greed. I don’t understand starvation, homelessness and sickness. I know this is your main concern, because not like others, you are not asking for yourself, but for humanity. Because I am God, you want some kind of miracle to straighten every thing out, but there is nothing I can do. I am happy that after all these years you have decided to connect with me again. You must feel things on earth are really bad and you must be desperate to call on me. I hope this is not a one time only sort of thing. It is important that you talk and pray to me, for I am your redemption. Prayer is always good. It helps clean the soul. You’ve heard that old adage that if your prayers aren’t answered, God has said no. That’s not true. I never say no, but I also never say yes. You may ask, why do I exist? I exist to guide and love you, but to not to do things for you. That is up to you. Again, Free Will. I must say I’ve been very disappointed in you, especially the remarks you have made throughout the years about the Catholic Church and now their priests. You know, the church in the very beginning was finding its way. And as in all things, mistakes were made. Just because millions of lives have been taken in my name, doesn’t mean the church is bad. Remember their original meaning was good. Yes, yes, I know many priests have strayed and have committed unthinkable acts, but look at it this way, they have been found out. They may not have been punished, but the new Pope has done what he thinks is best. He moved them to Rome where they are under his watchful eye. Know this! It is not true, if you are not a Christian, you will never be admitted to heaven! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there is no Heaven. There isn’t a Hell either. There is a place you go to, but it is hard to describe. All I can say is, you’ll know when you get there and no matter what you believe, you will all go there no matter what faith, creed or color. Will we meet? That’s hard to say. You may feel my presence, but meeting face to face, well not really. You see I don’t have a face. I just am. I know this is hard to understand, but trust me, someday you will. Throughout the centuries, I have instilled in some minds new discoveries or ideas through science and math to help advanced your species, but you have taken these advances and misused them. You have developed weapons. The drugs and medicines I help you with, cost so much money, that unless you are rich, you can’t afford them. The whole purpose of discovery is to help mankind, not make them suffer through illness or violence while others reap the profits. The people of earth have been on the wrong path for thousands of years and yet through it all you haven’t learned to live and love and help one another. My heart, yes I have a heart, cries for you. I even sent a mystic, who you called my son to forgive you and sacrifice his own life to wipe away your sins and start anew, but you started a new religion and it became about money and greed and not love. All I wanted was for all of you to be happy, and live a loving life filled with health, abundance and creativity. I am very sad. Millions of you are good souls, but through circumstance you have had to do things and become who you are not. All I can say is look into your heart and try to be the best you can be and do it with love. Love is your saving grace. Dear Dom, I leave you with this one thought.
Look to the inner, not the outer, for in all things there is goodness, but it is up to you to find it.
Sincerely With All My Love and Blessings God

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